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I write this journal with a sad heart. The two people that mean more to me than anyone else are gone.

I awoke in an empty bed. Rymenhild left during the night. I don’t know why. She left a message but didn’t give me an explanation. She did promise me she would return. Then why does my heart feel as if someone shoved their fist through it?

She’s been gone before but I never worried during those times. She has her own projects and own things to take care of. I expected she would share what those things are. And she did. She told me a great deal. Who she was, what she’s been up to, who she is associated with…

Perhaps that is why this time feels so different. Before, we had a casual relationship but now that we’ve made ourselves so vulnerable, things are more serious. So now when she leaves, even with a note, it hurts. It hurts because her note sounded like she was hurting too. And all I can do is wait again. Wait like before until she is ready to open up to me again. And wait I will because I love and I care.

Syrenity left me in a different way. She should have never associated herself with Ravenholdt. But it’s too late now. She joined the League. She may not have signed her name in blood but she might as well have. No one leaves the League free and clear. She will forever be tied to them as Silverblade and I are.

The old Ren left me. She killed, no, assassinated someone. Alastair from long ago who was found guilty of those heinous crimes within the Cathedral. I do not mourn his death or feel that he didn’t have it coming. But she killed him under contract. She can justify her reasons but ultimately, it was a hit and she executed which makes her an assassin.

The old Ren is gone. She was my conscience and my moral compass. No matter what happened around me, I could always look to her knowing she would not compromise. My father held that role before, as did Bishop Eldrid. In darkness they were my Light. Ren was my Light. Is she still now?

I don’t know anymore.

I left Rymenhild.

I left her sleeping peacefully under the covers before the break of day. I made sure Jeeves would take care of her when she woke up but he’ll probably say something snarky along with breakfast.

At least we had one final night. We had one last night of passion before parting ways. I wish things could be different. I wish I could avoid breaking her heart but sadly, wishes do not make reality. I want to love her. She is a kindred spirit. She sees what I see; thinks what I think. There’s no need to pretend with her or try to sugarcoat anything because she knows the same tricks. She’s experienced the same things. I could love her.

I wanted to tell her where I’m going and why I needed to go. I wanted to give her a MOUCE so no matter where I went, she could find me. But that would mean bringing her fully into my life. That would mean trust… Do I have it in me to trust again? She makes it so hard sometimes but on those rare occasions, she shows her vulnerability. And in those moments I believe that I do love her.

Forgive me Rymenhild. Forgive my cowardice.

And where does Ren fit in all this? Was I telling the truth when I told Rymenhild I still loved her? Yes I was. But this love is different. Ren and I are linked by Fate. For better or worse we are part of each other’s lives. But deep down I know she and I were never meant to me and I think if she reached down deep, she’d see it as well. And I am content with that. Love doesn’t always start and end in the bed.

Whatever chance I had with Rymenhild ended when I received Brann’s final letter along with the information I was waiting on the day before. So there it was. I finally found what the bishops were looking for. Hidden deep within Un’Goro Crater was a vault. And in the vault was a throne. And what did the throne do? It gave power. Brann also translated some other markings. Apparently it was part of a manual of some kind. Activation requires the aspects of life and death as well as fire and ice. Dichotomy of aspects; I didn’t know the titans were so poetic.

Ren and Gwen will go with me but I will need two more. I already have one person in mind. She’s not prone to emotional irrationality and I think will benefit this expedition. I still need another. I will speak with Ren and Gwen to find the fifth. We will need level heads. The translation suggests there were some problems with the device…really nasty ones. I will have to make sure the throne never falls into the wrong hands. Once I see what we are dealing with, will I know if I will heed Brann’s advice.

I have made arrangements with Avery to make sure Rymenhild is notified if I do not return within a certain timeframe. I wish I had time to finish that chopper I was working on for her. There I go again, making wishes. Light, grant me this one wish this time…

After my service in Ashenvale and their surrounding lands, I’ve managed to gain a very good reputation with the night elves. Considering their general aloof and distant nature, I felt a great deal of pride knowing many of them welcomed me to their city.

That is until Rymenhild and I met Helaena. What a pompus and arrogant female she is. Of all the druids that live in Darnassus, why did we come across her? But I held my tongue in check, barely, to help Rymenhild. At least the druid was competent. She removed the corrupted seed from Rymenhild’s body that we suspected was still in her. And I got to see Rymenhild naked which is always a bonus. Too bad the moment was marred by all the blood and cutting required to remove the damn seed. I would have made some snarky comment to lighten things up but the process was just too serious to make fun of. I’ll have to tease her about it in the future when she’s feeling better.

I must admit, I found it somewhat humorous that she was more concerned with exposing herself to me than the pain she must have felt during the process. I’m not exactly sure why she was so embarrassed. It’s not like she is the modest type. Her attitude carried on till the evening after the seed was removed and healed. I am pretty good at figuring people out but she is a tough one. She’s always a surprise. It’s both annoying and fun at the same time.

Helaena took the seed to Staghelm who insisted we find out more about Malyian’s research. Who does he think he is barking orders to us? Stupid elf. I’m starting to wonder if all druids are jackasses. Anyways, Helaena suggested Rymenhild rest one night before making the trip back to Stormwind. She seemed to treat Rymenhild gently and kindly, unlike me. I do know that the night elf society was and still is to some extent, defined by gender roles. It is possible Helaena just didn’t like me because I am a man. That still doesn’t explain Staghelm. No, I like my first thought. All druids are jackasses.

Rymenhild remained somewhat uncomfortable around me; still embarrassed or whatever from her ordeal. She thanked me again. I stayed with her as she slept because of her nightmares. Well, at least one of her problems are solved. Unfortunately I have no idea how to resolve her nightmare issues. I can’t be guarding over her every night. Not that she’s bad to look at but no, I’m not ready right now. I still have too much baggage.

I’ve also been thinking about my future. I still have my work with the Church, which reminds me, I need to go to Booty Bay soon. But I have to think beyond that. I miss working and owning a shop. It helped me be grounded. Sometimes it’s nice to not worry about holding the line against the undead or stealthing across enemy lines for reconnaissance. Sometimes it’s just nice to work with some tools and build something useful. In the end, it’s the adventurers and soldiers like me that lose because we give everything we have and when it’s all over we end up with nothing; no family, no future…nothing. In the end, it’s the common folk living their lives as they always have with their daily chores and responsibilities that win. They always win.

I want the shop back if only to feel normal every once in awhile. I’ll have to contact Avery. Hope he hasn’t blown himself up. We can build something else other than clocks; change is good sometimes. I think I saw an empty shop available at the Dwarven District not so long ago…

((Written by Rymenhild))

It was a quiet night as the ship sailed onward toward Darnassus. The gentle rocking of the waves was almost calming as Rymenhild laid next to Kendrick, gently lulling her into a deep slumber. The ship was smaller than usual, and space was at a premium. Kendrick had secured one cabin for the two of them, keeping his word that he would watch over Rymenhild until the druids of the Circle could examine her. He had told her that he didn’t mind resting beside her as she slept if it would keep her from her nightmares. She was more relaxed knowing that he was there. Her fears of an attack from the shadows seemed justified to her, especially since she had begun blacking out and losing entire days to fitful dreams and glimpses of madness. Nothing seemed impossible anymore. But with Kendrick there, she trusted that if she were somehow impaired, he could still attack in her stead.

She drifted in between sleeping and waking, feeling the pull of sleep weigh heavily on her, dragging her down into the world of dreams. She fought it; she didn’t want to dream. Even with Kendrick there, she didn’t want to dream. Sleep was supposed to be a rest, a respite from the relentless harshness of her day-to-day life. She didn’t want to be pursued into dreams by horrors and sorrows.

She tried to relax her mind by focusing on her surroundings. The creaking of the ship did slightly unnerve her, but she tried to move past that to other things. The waves lapping against the hull. The nearness of Kendrick. The warmth of his body lying next to hers. His slow, methodical breathing. She heard some scratching at the door. It almost sounded like skittering. She opened one eye and looked toward the door. It was closed. She was safe, she reminded herself. With Kendrick, she was safe.

She rolled over and curled up in the blankets, gently resting a hand against Kendrick’s arm as she closed her eyes. She could still hear the skittering. The door seemed to be creaking. She sat up and stared at the door; it seemed to bend inward with every creak. She blinked her eyes. That wasn’t possible. Stiff, wooden doors did not bend inward. She immediately suspected magic and began to prod Kendrick.

“Ken,” she hissed in the darkness, eyes locked on the door. “Ken, wake up.”

He didn’t wake. He continued to breathe deeply, resting within the throes of a dream. The skittering grew louder, and something was clawing at the door. Rymenhild felt a shiver run down her spine. She prodded Kendrick harder, jabbing him in the ribs. He didn’t move. The skittering and clawing grew almost deafening and she knew she had to act. She rolled off the bed and grabbed her daggers, which were on the bedside table. The door was bending so desperately that it looked like it was going to burst out of the frame. Her heart pounded mercilessly in her chest. She could feel a rush of adrenaline coursing through her veins. The wood of the door began to splinter. Claws were visible through small cracks. She reached back for Kendrick once more, screaming at him to wake up.

But it was too late. The door burst inward, admitting a rush of Nerubian insects. Spiders, skitterers, hatchers, wasps, all horrors imaginable. She screamed in a mix of terror and rage as she began to stab at them, knocking them aside with her fists and kicking at them as they clung to her boots. She was desperately screaming Kendrick’s name. She couldn’t hold them back; at least, not alone. She jumped up on the bed and delivered one swift kick to Kendrick’s side as she felt the sharp claws of one of the insects dig into her back. She doubled over in pain and fell over onto Kendrick, who finally stirred.

“Oh, thank the Light,” she said, gasping. “Ken, I can’t hold them back. I can’t – ”

But then she realised that something was wrong with him. His flesh was pallid, cold; she rolled off him as he opened his eyes, but to her horror she found that they were hollow. Instead of eyeballs, red globes of light hovered in the sockets. A ghoulish hand reached out and gripped her wrist, pulling her back toward him. “Rymenhild,” he said in his familiar voice, “What’s happening to you?” Then, with a wicked grin, he forced her down onto the bed and pinned her there, sitting on her chest. She tried to stab at him with the daggers, but he forced her wrists back toward the headboard, banging them against the edges until she dropped them. “Rymenhild, what’s wrong?”

The insects were coming. They had calmed down and were climbing into the bed, crawling up her legs. She tried to fight Kendrick, but she couldn’t. Hot tears stung her eyes as she screamed as violently as she could manage. “No, Kendrick, no,” she pleaded. “Not you, too. Don’t do this to me. Not you.” But he only continued to grin at her with finely pointed teeth. The insects were crawling up her legs. She clenched her eyes shut as she continued to scream, and she could feel them crawling up her arms. Over her chest. Her neck. Finally, they pried her mouth open, and she felt them moving over her cheeks, her lips…

Something slapped her hard across the face. She opened her eyes, glancing around in terror, but the room was empty. Someone was sitting on her chest. “Get off me!” she screamed. “Get off!” Then she was released, and she sat up, eyes darting around the room. The door was in one piece, the moon shone softly through the porthole, and the insects were gone.

“Rymenhild,” said Kendrick softly. “I think you were dreaming.”

She looked over at him. He was sitting on the corner of the mattress, staring at her with his brow furrowed in concern. His eyes, she saw, were normal again. His flesh was pink with the colour of life. His hair hung unkempt about his shoulders, and his shirt was torn open. He reached over to put a gentle hand on her arm. She was trembling violently.

“I don’t – I don’t understand. There were – there were bugs. Nerubians. You were – dead. You were dead,” she said, finally allowing the tears to fall. She rested her face in her hands as she felt herself begin to sob. It had all seemed so real. She had felt their claws on her back, crawling up her legs, over her chest.
She heard Kendrick sigh. He crawled over to her, placing a hand on her shoulder.

“It wasn’t real,” he said. “It was another nightmare.” She protested, insisting that she had felt them. He ran a gentle hand down her back and pulled her into an embrace.

“It’s okay,” he said. “You’re safe with me.” It was all she could do to cling to him as she cried, her body shaking with frustrated sobs. He held her there for some time, gently stroking her hair, whispering to her that she was safe now, with him. He laid back with her as she felt the sobs begin to subsist. She didn’t want him to let go. She rested her head on his shoulder, clinging to his ragged shirt, and he wrapped his arms around her. “You can sleep,” he whispered to her. “I’ll be here.”

On a ship traveling to Darnassus from Stormwind.

Kendrick: *glances at Rymenhild as he leans on the ship’s railing* I didn’t realize you like to watch the waves.

Rymenhild: *looks out over the waves* I always have, even as a kid.  Used to get in trouble for climbin’ up rooftops to try and see the sea.

Kendrick: *nods and smiles as he watches the sea again* It helps me think.

Rymenhild: *looks over to Kendrick* What do you think about?

Kendrick: *shrugs* Lots of things.  Nothing in particular.

Rymenhild: That’s an evasive answer if I ever heard one. *smirks*

Kendrick: It’s nothing really. *chuckles*

Rymenhild: *lapses off into silence, enjoying the gentle rocking of the ship and the sounds of the waves splashing against the hull*

Kendrick: Do you believe in Fate?

Rymenhild: *looks at Kendrick like he’s crazy* What?  You mean like…we’re destined for something and can’t change it?

Kendrick: *shakes his head* Not everyone thinks like that.  I just wondered if you believed anything like that.

Rymenhild: *shrugs* No. I think you make your own destiny.  You get out what you put in.

Kendrick: *looks at Rymenhild* And what have you put in so far?

Rymenhild: *frowns, looking back at the waves* I guess not much.

Kendrick: Any regrets?  Besides not having a chance to talk to Silas I mean…

Rymenhild: Too many… *looks to Kendrick* You?

Kendrick: Some.  Why not change your destiny then?  Why keep taking the same path?

Rymenhild: Tough to try something different when you don’t have many choices.

Kendrick: What would you like to do then?  Assuming you had the option.

Rymenhild: *eyes Kendrick for a moment, thinking* I don’t know.

Kendrick: *smiles* Maybe if you figured that out, things would be different.

Rymenhild: Maybe.

Kendrick: *returns his eyes to the ocean* Let me know when you figure it out.  Maybe I can help out?

Rymenhild: You already have. *pauses and looks down at the railing* I didn’t have any nightmares.

Kendrick: You’re welcome.  Are they a recent occurrence?

Rymenhild: *nods* Last few weeks.

Kendrick: Do you remember them?

Rymenhild: Vaguely.  They don’t make much sense.

Kendrick: Could this be Malyian’s doing?

Rymenhild: *narrows eyes, speaking after a long pause* I don’t think so.

Kendrick: *grins* Well, we need to find a solution soon.  Can’t have you sleeping with me all the time.

Rymenhild: *smirks* You don’t like it?  I’m shocked.

Kendrick: You’re cramping my style with the other ladies.

Rymenhild: *snorts* Great.

Kendrick: Won’t I be cramping your style with the other men?

Rymenhild: There aren’t any.

Kendrick: *feigns surprise* What?  You’re not involved with a psycho elf anymore?

Rymenhild: *glares at Kendrick* The elf has it out for me.  If these Darnassus druids prove me right, he’s done.

Kendrick: You know…you could have told me about the seed long ago.

Rymenhild: I don’t even know if it’s in there.  I think it is.  That’s why we’re going to see the druids.  To prove me right.  Besides, what would you have done?  Told me I’m stupid and idiotic?  I don’t need any of that.

Kendrick: *softly and sincerely* I would have helped.

Rymenhild: *sighs* You’re helping now.

Kendrick: Which I could have done weeks ago.  You make it hard to like you.

Rymenhild: *scowls*

Kendrick: *sighs* I don’t want to fight you anymore.  I’m tired of it.

Rymenhild: Why are you helping me?

Kendrick: *looks out to sea* I don’t know.  Lots of reasons I suppose.

Rymenhild: *grumbles* That’s comforting.

Kendrick: You didn’t let me explain.

Rymenhild: Then explain.

Kendrick: I’m helping you because of Silas.  He loved and cared about you so I feel I should help you out.

Rymenhild: You’re helping me because of Silas?  Because ‘he’ cared? *softly* Not because you care.

Kendrick: You also remind me of me. *turns to Rymenhild and stares at her* I do care.

Rymenhild: *eyes Kendrick curiously and shrugs*

Kendrick: *sighs and faces the sea again* I care Rymenhild.

Rymenhild: How?

Kendrick: Because I choose to.

Rymenhild: That isn’t what I meant…

Kendrick: I know what you meant.  You can choose to care about someone without considering their merits or faults.  As long as you have the capacity to care.

Rymenhild: There are different ways of caring about someone.

Kendrick: *nods* Yes there are.

Rymenhild: *shrugs, looking back out to sea* Nevermind.

Kendrick: *chuckles* Rymenhild.  You have a lot going on right now.  Take care of that first.

Rymenhild: *scowls and scoffs*

Kendrick: *smiles* Besides…if I told you I cared about you more than I did right now in order to get you into bed with me, then I’d be lying.

Rymenhild: Good to know.

Kendrick: It would be cheap and meaningless.

Rymenhild: Most things are.

Kendrick: And you deserve more than that.  *watches her curiously* And why are you so interested in whether I care or not?  I’m helping.  Isn’t that good enough?

Rymenhild: *nods* It is.

Kendrick: *smirks* Do you want me to care?

Rymenhild: *frowns, looking away* No.

Kendrick: *chuckles* I think I’ve been rejected.

Rymenhild: You wouldn’t be if you cared.

Kendrick: *sighs and takes her hand* Too much baggage right now.  Maybe if things clear up, we can have this conversation again.

Rymenhild: *stares down at Kendrick’s hand but doesn’t remove her own* Maybe.

Kendrick: *releases her hand after a light squeeze and watches the waves again* Alright then.  Let’s see what Fate will bring.

Rymenhild: *smirks* Hopefully not a storm.  I’d like to make it to Darnassus in one piece.

Kendrick: *laughs*

As I sit here in bed, writing this entry, I write with calmness after the storm. Only moments ago, my hands were shaking and my heart pounding at the frustration and anger that swelled within me. But as I picked up this leather bound journal, my mind found peace and soon my body followed.

Laying beside me is Rymenhild. She sleeps in silence and in peace. I wonder how long it has been since she was able to sleep through the night without fear? I understood her reasons. There is a difference between sleeping alone and sleeping next to someone you can trust. For once she could take her guard down knowing something from the darkness would not reach out and grab her because she was not alone. She reached out tonight hoping and tonight I took that hand in friendship.

Why did I decide to help her? It goes back to Silas. I truly believed he still cared for her even though their last words were filled with venom. I believe he sent her to Thelsamar to keep her out of harm’s way. It was always his way to draw the heat to himself and away from those he cared. Rymenhild didn’t get a chance to say good-bye and I assume it will haunt her for a long time but I hope she believed my words that Silas knew and no words needed to be said. I help her now for him. I help her now because he would want her to be safe. And there is still much more to be done but in time she will be. I do this for my friend.

Tomorrow we set sail for Darnassus and hopefully we will end the nightmare that has haunted her for so long. It is just another step that will take her out of darkness.

And as a new friendship blossoms, I write with great sadness I may have lost another. Friendship would be an understatement. I loved her and in some ways I still do but words were exchanged that cannot be taken away. Sticks and stones may break my bones but they can be healed over time. I find words to be more damaging, more piercing than any object. I hurt her emotionally and scarred her in her heart with more viciousness than had I plunged a dagger into her chest. Her anger was real and true. Whatever shreds of reconciliation we may have had are now like chafe in the wind.

And she hurt me. Did she not know the pain I felt when Silas died? Instead she met me with anger. Perhaps she was angry at herself for not being there. I don’t know but she lashed out at me. And unfortunately I just didn’t have the will to explain. All I could do was walk away.

I wish I could say I have forgotten but when we fight, I am always reminded of Vileric. As hard as I try, I cannot seem to let the betrayal fade away. I wish I could say I am better than that but I am not. Never did I expect her to do what she did…

The truth is, I still don’t know much about her. I know her name, her adoptive father and that’s it. I know she loves me or did at one point. But as I sit here, I realize she never revealed any more of her life. In truth, I don’t either of us worked to make it happen. It was all a lie built upon hopes and expectations that were nothing more than empty shadows.

I still wish for your happiness but I am now resigned by the fact I am not meant to be part of it.

Kendrick woke with a pounding headache, the end result of binge drinking. Looking around, doing his best not to vomit, he realized he was home in his own room. A glass of water with some cheese and fruits rested on a tray nearby. A note was placed along side of the tray. Pressing his hand against his head, he read the note. Syrenity. Who else would have set all this up? He tossed the note away and got off the bed, hobbling to a nearby cabinet. He pulled out a bottle and began to drink in gulps. Collapsing onto the floor, he watched with hazy eyes two white cats approaching him. They sat in front of him. Kendrick could have sworn they stared at him with sadness and disappointment.

“You two aren’t the only ones that are disappointed in me,” he said with a weary voice.

The pounding headache returned and he grimaced as he pressed his hands against his skull. He tried to remember what happened. He remembered seeing Ren and her cold attitude. He remembered her accusations and anger. He remembered Rymenhild and the poison he spat on her with his words. And he remembered Kerryn and offering his share of the tavern to her. He wanted to cut all ties because where he was going, he didn’t wish anyone else to follow. It was a road he traveled before. It was a dark road, very well suited to enacting vengeance upon the men responsible for Silas’ death.

His behavior had managed to isolate himself. It worked except for her. The note and tray of food made it abundantly clear she would stay to the bitter end.

“Just let go,” he whispered. Of course he knew she never would. He took another swig of the bottle. In time, the alcohol did its work and dulled his senses so he just didn’t care.


Elsewhere at the Cathedral, three bishops held an emergency meeting.

“You say Bishop Farthing found him sprawled on the front steps?” Hylan asked in utter shock.

Leander nodded, “Yes, and he made sure Kendrick was taken home by the guards. They reported he was so drunk, he didn’t even twitch once during the whole time.”

Hylan shook his head with worry, “This is not good. This could jeopardize the mission and what if he ends up like…”

Leander interrupted, “He hasn’t, at least not yet.”

Neheri added, “But the signs are there. Perhaps we should move forward with our contingency plan?”

Leander sighed, “The contingency plan could create more problems than solve them.”

“But we can’t afford to make the same mistake twice,” Neheri retorted.

“This is one of those rare occasions where Bishop Neheri and I agree,” Hylan added.

“Very well,” Leander yielded. “It’s time we bring her in.”

So it wasn’t a surprise to me that the elf beat Rymenhild again. I always wondered why people remained in abusive relationships. Bishop Eldrid used to tell me that it wasn’t always about fear. Sometimes they stayed due to their own insecurities. They believed they deserved the abuse and that they didn’t deserve something better. Rymenhild doesn’t fit that category. She’s full of attitude. She just believes she’s in control and that somehow she is the manipulator, not the manipulated. Ultimately, she’s as delusional as those who feel they are unworthy of a better husband, consort, lover or whatever. Ultimately, sometimes we delude ourselves into believing things are better than they really are.

I still approach her when I see her, dispensing my usual advice to flee her current lifestyle. As always, she rebels and confronts me with that brash and arrogant front. I suppose she thinks the same about me. It is true what I said. She can only help herself. I will make contact with her two more times at the most. If she refuses to change, I have no alternative than to free myself of her. I refuse to be dragged down into the sewers with her and her problems.

I did manage to speak with Ren face to face last night even though it was brief. Seems whenever I visit her at the cathedral, she is always in the midst of some conversation, usually men. Of course I teased her about it relentlessly but even she must realize there is some truth to my words. I should make an appointment or something next time and see if she can fill me in between her busy schedule. At least we have MOUCE.

I was surprised she exhibited some jealousy. It feels like the early days before all the drama and all the conflicts made us both so jaded. But we are far from being okay. It is so much harder to build up than it is to tear down… Am I hopeful? Yes I am. Am I being realistic? Yes I am.

And I made her make the promise. I’m sure it wasn’t easy for her to agree and I still wonder if she will remain faithful to that promise if the situation calls for it. I hated to place that burden on her but she wanted me to trust her. Well, I am trusting her that she will do the right thing if I fail. Light, I hope it doesn’t come to that.

I have begun my preliminary investigation on the artifact. I will be paying Andrea a visit and hopefully she can provide some help, even if it’s just more clues or another contact. But I am hoping Andrea will have some answers. I’ve already sent out the letter to Silverblade. I’ll meet with him next. I should also visit Avery and Dora. I’m holding off on that last one because I know those little gnomes are going to cost me gold somehow. I just know it.

The elf and his friend, I know them now. Now I have names. Rymenhild, I still don’t know exactly what happened to you but I know enough. Why you choose to remain in your situation I do not know. I would have died clawing before I’d let myself go through what you went and still are going through. I wish I can help. I hope I can help. I saw your eyes at the end of our conversation. As heated and angry as it was, your eyes softened in the end. Perhaps that’s what you really need. A friend. Not a lover or someone to challenge. A friend. Just a friend you can trust. Who doesn’t?

The others must know of this new revelation. I have a feeling Silas will not take this sitting down…

Rose also clued me in on the Belzac situation. So he is still alive…and in trouble. As usual. He was once a Lantern and as such I owe it to him to aid him whenever I can. Besides, I’m curious what he’s been up to and perhaps I can learn a bit more about him by visiting his family home.

*crossed out words*

I know by our heated exchange that I’m not over you. I pride myself in being able to maintain an even keel; be emotionless in any situation. But you…you draw them out so easily. I hate that you confide to the others more than me. I hate that you rushed to the arms of another. I hate that you pushed me away. I hate that you make me feel this way. But I can’t hate you.

I realized as your voice faded in my mind, I missed you a great deal…

So I take a stroll around Stormwind allowing myself some time to reflect when I come across Rymenhild again. She was reading a book, in Cut Throat Alley of all places. At any rate, our verbal sparring resumed as usual. It’s almost like our familiar greeting to one another now…

She’s still determined to trip me up. Doesn’t she realize she won’t be able to now that things have changed? I have to admit, she’s got spunk. Now if only she’d use all that energy and determination in a worthwhile cause, she’d really shine. She’s still a work in progress. I’ll have to check with Shaw to see if he has any additional information on her. He seems to know more about everyone in this city than anyone else I know.

After our heated debate, I headed towards the Cathedral and I came across Silas. I’m glad he’s put the whole Rymenhild incident behind us. Jaw is still sore though. With my assignment with the Church, Silas will be a valuable contact. I’ve already made plans to communicate with my own personal contacts but Silas has a better reputation among the goblins at Booty Bay. Perhaps I can learn some valuable information there. I just mentioned to Silas I needed access to some of his contacts and he agreed. He isn’t privy to my assignment but he does know I am working for the Church again. I should visit his tavern more often now that I know I won’t get a fist in the face anymore when I enter. Old man still has a good right hook.

My final stop was the Lamb and incredibly I found her again. I suppose it is a coincidence but seeing Rymenhild there made me a little suspicious. She was at a table with a brooding night elf. Not knowing who the elf was, I resorted to my simple and courteous personality. Sure enough the elf made some snide remark to offend me. Perhaps he was trying to goad me into a fight? That would mean he is confident in his abilities.

But if that’s true, then I know the elf is an amateur. I was not going to start a fight in the Lamb. That’s not my territory and I would be at a disadvantage. And the elf certainly wasn’t aware of my skills but he seemed to think he was better than me. I’m surprised he is still alive the way he mouths off to strangers. Had this encounter took place when I was still with the Defias, he would not have survived to see the following day because I would have revisited him on my terms.

Stormwind seems to have a sinister shadow cast upon her. The rumors that reach my ears are disconcerting. The darker organizations seem to have a greater presence in the city now. Perhaps they have always been there and I chose to ignore or neglect them? Maybe the void that Thanis left behind is being filled up? Maybe now that I have returned to the streets I see and witness it more?

But the shadows also make the city more alive. It generates excitement. Too much wholesomeness dulled my senses. It’s so much more fun walking the grey line. Am I wrong to feel this way?

April 2024